If you are interested in arranging a reunion, please email reunions@perthmoderniansociety.org.au or phone (08) 6189 3690 as early as possible – preferably six to twelve months ahead of time. This will help us to secure your preferred date for the reunion.
We can also:
- advertise your queries or your plans in our publications and website,
- provide you with contact details for members of your “year” if they are members of the Society,
- facilitate your contact with the school,
- tell you what other groups have done at their reunions,
- assist with organising refreshments on site,
- arrange for a musical performance by current school students and ensembles,
- provide a guided tour of the History Centre Museum,
- arrange for a display of memorabilia for your year group,
- arrange for a member of the school or the society to give you an update on the school, and
- sometimes we can help you arrange a visit to the school.
Please be aware however that we cannot arrange your reunion for you, nor can we send you old class lists or addresses.
We do invite reunion organisers to submit updated contact details to those former staff and students who are invited and to inform the Museum Committee of deaths recorded as a result of your very special event.
For further detail, please refer to our Services Available for Class Reunions checklist.
Last modified on 27 December 2024